Sunday, June 20, 2010

Has the Evidence been Tampered With?

The debate about the age of Creation has gone quiet recently. Not so many people insisting that Adam and Eve were created about 6,000 years ago. With the UK Elections and the World Cup football, perhaps people have just lost interest. I am told that the number of years, 6000, is derived from the Old Testament narrative, but I have not done the arithmetic myself. At least, if the disagreement has been continuing, it has not been in the news recently.

The science evidence points to the Universe being over 13 billion years old. Of course, science does not prove that the age of the Universe one way or the other. This does not prove that it was not created 6,000 years. It merely says that all the evidence indicates that this is not the case. Perhaps the evidence, your honour, has been tampered with.

Take this further. The Universe might only be 120 years old, again with the evidence suitably modified. (No particular reason for 120 years, except that none of us were alive then). Even more absurdly, the Universe might only be 5 minutes old, with our memories engineered, to create the illusion of experience and memories.

I should stop at this point. You might decide that the kindest thing to do is to come over and put me out of my misery.

I will make one further observation, before I have another beer. We generally assume that the creation of man was God’s main objective in creating the Universe. Also, man is likely to live on this earth for only a few thousand years, before he runs out of space to put all the empty beer bottles. Creating the Universe 6,000 years ago would show signs of impatience, not to say anything about potential tampering with the evidence. So, having decided what to do, God just got on with it. He got straight into the plot.

It might be more impressive and incredible to believe that God decided to create man (for whatever reason), and then to wait 13.7 billion years. During this time, he built a universe of unbelievable proportions and detail. Now this also requires patience and planning.

Perhaps both are correct.