Friday, March 19, 2010

The Communication Question

If you were God, how would you communicate with Man (and that is assuming, of course, that you thought that this was a worthwhile activity). This could be communication to men (and women) individually. “Johnny, come down here at once, and eat your breakfast” could be one example. This is in contrast to the collective communication “You shall not covet your neighbour’s Audi”, a very pertinent instruction at this time for owners of a Toyota.

Back to the question. How would you do this?

You could just speak words to them out loud, so that the man (or women) hears the words. There are people who claim that this has happened to them. They would do better to keep quiet, as they are generally regarded as being not completely sane, probably unsafe to take the neighbours children to school, and would no doubt fail a CRB check.

However, there are important exceptions to this. If you grow a long beard, have a stick that is nearly as tall as you are, and are able to cause a sea to part, so you can walk across on the dry land, you are in with a chance, but even then, only with a limited audience.

You could write a book and have it published. This supposes that the audience can read. If they cannot, this provides those who possess this ability to act as interpreters and filters of this. The room for misinterpretation are clear for all to see.

Then, there are all the different versions. How would you know which one is correct?

Supposing there is a mistranslation. Imagine if the translator of the word “Audi” read it as “Auntie”. We would have all kinds of discussion groups about not coveting relations in general (what about “uncles”). , People who said they had never coveted another Auntie, would be told that they were in denial and would have to undergo special remedial counselling.

The Rewards approach would seem to have something going for it. When people do the right thing they get rewarded. But are the rewards that you (as God) would give to people (the ability to enjoy a sunset) the same as those that people want (a new Audi).

You could take a “dog training” approach. “Listen “Ginger”, you’re a bad dog, Ginger. How many times must I tell you, Ginger. You’re really going to get it this time, Ginger.” The trouble is that Ginger hears “Blah blah Ginger blah blah blah Ginger blah Ginger blah blah” (With apologies to Gary Larson, Far Side Cartoon).

So now you are beginning to understand God’s problems.