Monday, March 29, 2010

Read the Bible - Get a Lawyer

In the late 1980s, I had some experience of the workings of European Community law. One interesting point that was explained to me was which translation is correct, where there is a discrepancy in the translation of a Directive. The answer that was given to me is that they all are. The English version is correct for England, the German version for Germany etc. How very confusing for the lawyers. How very straightforward for the local people in a single country.

I suppose that the same question arises for the Bible. With so many languages, and so many versions, in the event of a difference, which is correct? (and they are different, even if only at the margins, as I know from my readling of the Bible in German.)

This point occurred to me some time ago, when two different people referred to the original Greek or the original Hebrew. “In the original Hebrew, the word used here is xxx, which means yyy”. Perhaps this is a “Golden Source”, to interpret matters that are in doubt.

I always thought that this was unfair. Only the (classically) educated may enter the Gates of God’s knowledge, according to this train of thought. You would never really know the value of what you are reading. It would need a person, educated in these ways to explain what is really meant. You cannot speak to God, without your lawyer or translator.

But God speaks to all of us individually. (“How” exactly is another question…..and “Why”, is another question again). Whichever version we are reading at that time is correct. Of course, it does need to be read, but whether it is a Book of Law, like the European Directives, with rules and regulations, is yet another question.

More questions raised than answered.