Friday, September 28, 2012

Changing the Conversation

I am told that women can hold more than one conversation at a time when talking with each other. They can effortlessly slip between topics, without any signal as to the change in the topic. Men on the other hand, have to signal the subject in rather heavy handed and obvious ways, such as “To change the subject….” Or “Going back to what we were talking about earlier,…..”

I am told that a woman would regard such statements as totally unnecessary and you have to admit that the elimination of all these unnecessary signposts has a certain efficiency.

So it is no wonder that Jesus’ disciples, being all male, and other onlookers (mostly male) had such trouble on occasions in following his train of thought.

For example, Jesus and His disciples were at the temple at Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders asked Jesus what sign He would give them. Jesus said “Destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it” (John 2.19 – (click for link Now Jesus was referring to His own body and everyone else thought that He was talking about the temple building.

On another occasion, the disciples were hungry and had no bread. This was just after the feeding of the four thousand, and the Jewish leaders (Pharisees) were demanding a sign from Jesus. Jesus told his disciples to “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” Matthew 16.6 (click for link)

Once again there was confusion as to the subject of this statement, with the disciples thinking that this had something to do with food and Jesus, actually referring to the teaching of the Pharisees.

In John 4, Jesus was talking to a Samaritan woman and the disciples reminded Him to eat. Jesus tells them that He has food that they do not know about. They assume that he is talking about food (and why wouldn’t they?), when Jesus is talking about His relationship to God (“My food is to do the will of Him who sent me”). (verses 31 - 38)

Generally, Jesus became a bit annoyed with them, asking why they were discussing the fact that they had no bread.

On the other hand, you would have thought that the disciples would have become somewhat irritated at having Jesus change the subject. I would have been. After all, if they were talking about one thing, why did He have to change the subject or be so obtuse in his answer? I certainly would not have followed these conversations, and would have gone back to reading my newspaper.

It is one thing to tell parables and stories, so that some people “hearing, will not understand”, but it is another thing to confuse His own disciples.

Of course, I am assuming that it was deliberate and that He knew the effect it would have, but I don’t have any single good thought as to why He did this.

He was certainly single-minded. His passion was the Kingdom of God, to the exclusion of all else, and perhaps that is all He thought and spoke about. Not a lot of small talk here. He wouldn’t have been great dinner table company, if you had wanted to talk about the 2012 Olympics or if you did, He would no doubt turn the subject around.

He was not greatly concerned about the day to day things that concern and pre-occupy us (and me), nor was He greatly impressed by grand buildings and the earthly order of things.

Perhaps He was also trying to keep the thoughts of His disciples focussed. It could have been a type of rebuke. What was implied is “Why are you talking about these things? Why are you concerned about them?”

You would have thought that, with such a one track mind, and religion at that, he would have been the party bore, with people trying to avoid him. But the opposite seems to have the case. People were drawn and attached to him, whether for a good argument to defend the status quo or for people looking for alternative ideas to the poverty of the current religion practices, or just plain curious.

Would He have the same effect now if He were here or are people just indifferent to religion? With His one track mind, would He find a way to capture people’s interest?

But I have strayed into another subject, as usual. It’s time for me to close this blog and get something to eat.